Business Insider - Good morning, AdLand. Here's what you know today: Adweek is reporting thatテつFacebook's advertising inventory has become 10% more expensive this quarter than last, according to what it was told by the social ad company Nanigans. The price increase is thought to be tied to the company's December news feed algorithm change, which made it harder for brands to reach the people that had liked their pages without paying to promote their posts. According to Adweek, Facebook's total ad revenues have remained flat from the busy holiday season. Esuranceテつhired Wells Fargo SVP of digital marketingテつAlan Gellman to be its chief marketing officer. AgencySpyテつis reporting thatテつMullen was forced to make between 15 and 20 cuts at its Boston office. Lowe and Partners hiredテつNaomi Troni to be its global chief officer. Troni previously spent 10 years at Havas.テつ McCann Erickson New York hiredテつCP+B group account directorテつDevin Reiter to be an execu